''Christina Hendricks thinks all the talk about her body is a little embarrassing. It’s not as if she has an extra limb, after all.'' - New York Magazine 2010.
We talk about celebrities, friends, frenemies and family that have 'slimmed down'. We talk about celebrities, friends, frenemies and family that have 'bigger bones' than last time we saw them. We talk about celebrities, friends, frenemies and family that are 'perfect'.
This time we're not talking, we're praising.
There is no doubt that Christina Hendricks should be applauded for her fiery, sexy, femme fatal role as Joan Harris in Mad Men but she should be praised for making other women comfortable. We love this body - in fact we love it so much we made an entire shop devoted to serving these fabulous feminine bodies!
So when this article came up in our Google Alerts we couldn't help ourselves - we had to create a Christina Hendricks shrine.
All Hail Christina Hendricks!

Okay, so everyone who knows me might kinda be aware of the fact that I am obsessed with the television show Mad Men. Set in the 60s and having the best wardrobe stylists/ set designers I've seen in a while, I can't help but love it. But adding to that is the lovely Christina Hendricks. A curvaceous redhead, I think she is completely gorgeous, and showing that you don't have to be a size zero to be beautiful (note to Hollywood: a size two is not curvy). Not that I'm bashing on the skinnies, but I just believe that any shape and size can be beautiful and that not everyone is meant to be superskinnny. To go off even further on my wannabe social/fashion tirade, I think that everyone should accept their shape and not try to conform to what the fahsion world deems as beautiful. Period.

All images via google.com

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